If you have a saved payment method that you'd like to remove from your account, you are able to do so through the Wallet feature of your CandleScience account.
First, log in to your CandleScience account and navigate to Account in the top-right of the website.
Once here, locate the Wallet tab to the right of the Orders landing page.
Once you are in the Wallet tab, you should see all of your saved payment methods. You will be able to remove any payment method with the Delete Credit Card button. To add a new saved credit card, you must choose to save it to your account during the checkout process.
When Delete Credit Card is clicked, you will be directed to confirm that you'd like to delete your saved payment method. If you've changed your mind, simply click Keep to cancel the request. Clicking Delete will remove the saved payment from your account and return you to your Wallet.
When you are returned to your Wallet, confirm that the payment method no longer appears in your saved payment sources.
If you see an issue with your saved payment methods, please contact Customer Support here.