The short answer is no.
The CandleScience CleanScents standards were created for fragrance oils, so the badge currently only applies to fragrance oils. CandleScience essential oils are extracted from seeds, flowers, roots, stems, or bark of plants through steam distillation, expression, or extraction. To maintain their purity, we do not alter them in any way. Some essential oils contain naturally occurring amounts of material that we exclude from our CleanScents fragrance oils.
Essential oils, just like fragrance oils without the CleanScents designation, are not unsafe or dangerous when used as intended. The ingredients we exclude from our CleanScents fragrances don’t pose a risk at the concentrations used in fragrance or essential oil. They’ve simply been flagged as potentially toxic or hazardous in large quantities or as raw materials.
We recommend that you check the Safety Data Sheet for details on any essential oil you’d like to use in your products.