Follow these steps to update the attachment or any information on a tax exemption request you've submitted.
1. Log in to your CandleScience account and click on "account" in the top right corner.
2. Click on "Taxes" to see the requests you've submitted. If you've submitted multiple requests, your most recent tax exemption application will be at the top. On the right-hand side of your application, you will see an “Edit” button.
3. Once you click the “Edit” button, you’ll return to the application you submitted and will be able to make any necessary changes.
4. Once you’ve updated your information, scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Update Tax Exemption Request” to send it to our team for review.
5. After clicking "Update Tax Exemption Request" you'll return to your My Account page and see a brief message on your screen confirming your request was successfully updated. As soon as your exemption is processed and uploaded, we’ll reach out via email.