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Does CandleScience have a store where I can browse items?

  • Updated

Yes! Our showroom is open from 9 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday, excluding the holidays listed in our Holiday Schedule here


Our showroom is located at:

1247 Person St

Durham, NC 27703


Our showroom provides an opportunity for you to experience our products before purchasing. If you’d like to place an order during your visit, you may do so on our website using your CandleScience account. 

If you would like to pick up an order the same day that it is placed, make sure to get your order in by 4 pm. Orders placed after 4 pm will be available for pickup the following business day. Pickup instructions for our Durham warehouse can be found here


While we do offer order order pickup at our Reno, NV and Dallas, TX warehouses, our only showroom is in our North Carolina location. 


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