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How do I double wick my candle?

  • Updated

To double wick: divide the diameter of the candle in half and choose a wick size that is appropriate for each half. 

For example; Half of a 4" diameter candle is 2". Using our Wick Guide, select your wax, then select the 2 - 2.5" diameter and you'll see the recommendations. Depending upon the density of the fragrance oil, the amount of scent you add, and the amount of dye you use, you may find that two larger or smaller wicks work better for you.

Please read the paragraph entitled "About Our Wick Guide" on that page to understand that we are giving you a starting point for testing, not a guarantee that the recommended size will work. You will need to conduct your own tests to see which wick performs best in your candles. We recommend purchasing a series sampler kit or 12 pc bags of various wick sizes for your specific wax to test before investing in larger quantities of the wick.

Set each of the two wicks in the container halfway between the middle and the outside edge. You may need to shift toward the middle slightly if you can tell the flames will touch the mouth or side of the container. Additionally, you may find using a double wick setter helpful in getting consistent, even placement every time.


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