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How do I get the fragrance to smell stronger?

  • Updated

The term used to describe the strength of fragrance for a candle is called "scent throw." Scent throw is used to describe how the candle smells while the wax is solid (cold throw) and how much aroma is given off after it has been lit (hot throw). There are a number of things you can do to maximize the scent throw of your candles.

  1. Use the recommended percentage of fragrance oil for the type of wax you're using. For more information on recommended fragrance oil and wax combination click here. 
  2. Be sure to weigh your fragrance oils on a scale, not measure in a cup or spoon.
  3. Add fragrance oil at 185FÂș and stir gently and thoroughly with the melted wax. This is the optimal temperature for the wax and fragrance to bind in order to provide the best scent throw.
  4. Let your candles cure before test burning them. The minimum cure time is 3 days, while 1-2 weeks is the preferred curing time, especially for natural waxes such as soy and coconut.
  5. Place a lid on each candle and store them in a place away from excessive heat or light.
  6. Keep the container size and room size in mind. The wider the diameter, the stronger the fragrance will be. While a smaller candle, such as a tin or jelly jar, may be sufficient for a bedroom or bathroom, a larger living space may require a candle with a wider diameter to fill the room with fragrance.
  7. You may also want to evaluate your wick choice to ensure that it is not under or over wicked as that will also affect your hot throw. A wick that is too small or too large will directly impact how strong your candle smells. The following two articles will help you evaluate your wick.
    1. How to Conduct a Burn Test
    2. Choosing the Right Wick Size

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