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What basic candle making supplies do I need?

  • Updated

If you are a beginning candle maker, there are some basic supplies that you’ll need to get started. Most of these supplies are available in our Candle Making Kits. Just like other crafts, you can expand your supplies as your business grows but for now, you can find our list of recommended basics below:

  • Candle Wax – You will need either container wax if you’re putting wax in a jar or tin, or pillar wax which is a harder wax for candles that stand on their own.

  • Fragrance Oil – There are many wonderful scents to choose from. An average amount to start with is 1 ounce of fragrance oil per one pound of wax. The type of wax you use will have a recommendation for the maximum amount of fragrance oil.

  • Candle Dye – Dye blocks or liquid dye are both good choices for coloring candles.

  • Candle Containers or Candle Molds - Depending on the type of candle you want to make you'll want to pick a fun container to use. We recommend starting with candle tins because you do not have to worry about how the finished candle looks due to the opaque sides. If you prefer to use a glass jar we recommend choosing one with a diameter of 3" or less that is round with the same diameter up and down. If you want to make free-standing pillars, you'll want to choose a seamless mold.

  • Wick – Choosing a wick is probably the most important candle making decision you’ll make. If your candle doesn’t burn properly, it’s often because the wick isn’t the right kind or size. The type of wax, the amount of fragrance, and whether you add color, all affect how the wick performs. See the CandleScience Wick Guide for basic recommendations.

  • Scale – A good scale is essential for weighing your wax and fragrance oil. A Soap and Candle Scale can be purchased for around $25.00 and up.

  • Heat Source – You’ll need a stove or a hot plate for melting your wax.

  • Pouring Pitcher or Saucepans - This is for melting your wax. Many people use a double boiler method by filling a large saucepan half full with water and heating it on the stove. Put your wax in a smaller saucepan inside the larger pan. Make sure no water gets into the small pan. Heat wax to the desired temperature and add water to the large pan as it evaporates.

  • Thermometer –A candy thermometer works well for measuring the temperature of your melted wax.

  • Warning Labels –Warning labels are necessary to provide proper burn instructions as well as general candle safety.

  • Small Calculator

  • Decorative Labels: Decorative labels add a distinct aesthetic to your finished candles. You can use them to promote your brand or to personalize your candles as gifts for a special event. Avery WePrint™ is our recommended source for easily designing and printing custom labels for your creations. Upload your existing artwork and designs, or use one of their many pre-made templates if graphic design isn’t your forte. Plus, CandleScience customers automatically receive a 10% discount applied to their order. They offer a wide variety of sizes, materials, finishes, and adhesives. Check them out here to get started.


  • Miscellaneous Supplies – Paper towels, rubbing alcohol (an easy way to clean your pot before it cools completely), disposable latex gloves to protect your hands, and newspaper to cover your work surface.

That’s about it. Have fun and grow your business with the wonderful and creative world of candle making!

Check out the learning section to view our candle making tutorials and step-by-step guides!


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