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How do I calculate the amount of fragrance oil I need?

  • Updated

First, you need to know what percentage of fragrance oil you want to use. The average usage is 6%.

Please reference our FAQ for more information to help determine how much fragrance oil to use with your particular wax.

Here is a simple formula:

(oz/grams of wax using) x (% of fragrance oil you want to use, converted to a decimal) = (oz/grams of fragrance oil needed)

For example, let's say you are using two pounds (32 oz/908 grams) of wax and want to use 6% fragrance oil.

Plug these numbers into your formula:

32 oz/908 grams x 0.06 = 1.92oz/54.48 grams

You can round up to 2oz or 55 grams for easy measuring on your scale.


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