In general, your candle label will need to follow the Fair Packaging and Labeling guidelines when selling in the United States. This includes:
A statement to identify the product
- candle, wax melt, etc.
The name of your business
The place of your business
- You can see the full address requirements and exceptions here.
The net quantity of the contents
- The measurement must be in both metric and pound units
- For your candles and wax melts this will mean including weight in ounces and in grams.
- This will be the wax weight of your candle and not the weight of the entire finished candle with the container.
- We list the wax weight for each container on every container page for easy reference, however, we encourage you to weigh your candles yourself as well.
- To find the wax weight, weigh your finished candle and subtract the weight of your container.
The rest of your label design and any information you choose to include is up to you! Be as creative as you want in order to make your products stand out and fit your branding.
While CandleScience does not assist in creating custom labels, our partnership with Avery extends a discount for all our customers on Avery label orders. You can read more about the Avery partnership here.
*NOTE: The information and resources provided are for labeling guidelines only and do not serve as legal advice. Always check local and state regulations to ensure that your products are labeled properly.