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My order is missing items. What should I do?

  • Updated


Before you reach out to our Support team, please check to see if your items were shipped separately or if they are hiding in the packing materials. It may sound a little silly, but it's the best way to ensure that you receive your materials as quickly as possible. You can find detailed instructions below!

Were your items shipped separately?

First, check if your order shipped in multiple boxes or shipments. We do our best to keep items in stock in all of our warehouses, but it can be necessary for an order to ship from different locations. If an order requires a split shipment, you will have selected two shipping methods during checkout.

To check if your order had a split shipment, navigate to your account using the Account link in the top right-hand corner. Once on the My Orders page, locate your order in your order history. Your most recent order will be at the top of the page. 


If some items in your order were shipped from different warehouses, you will see multiple sections.
If the items you're missing from your order belong to a split shipment, click Track Package on the right-hand side of each section. It may still be in transit to you!

If it was marked as delivered, try checking alternate delivery locations at your address or with your neighbors. 

Depending on the combination of items, some orders may ship in multiple boxes from the same warehouse. For instance, cases of wax will ship by themselves due to their size and weight. Any additional items will ship on their own, even a 1 oz. fragrance sample! If your order was shipped in multiple boxes from a single warehouse, you will see more than one tracking number listed.

Have you checked the shipping box?

Some items, like the 1 oz. fragrance bottles, are quite small and often get lost in the packing materials. If you haven't yet removed all of the packing materials and checked under the bottom flaps of the box, give it a try!

(All of our packing peanuts are made from corn and are biodegradable. They dissolve in water but we recommend saving them to reuse, if you can! Find out more about them in our Green Packaging article)

If you have received all of your shipments and cannot find the missing item after emptying the shipping box and checking under the bottom flaps, please reach out to our Support team. You can submit a reimbursement request for the missing item or reach out to us through our support page.


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